PARJE educational projects are divided into two groups:
1) Adult-oriented lectures in partnership with local cultural institutions. We are developing an “ARTS & ADVOCACY” free video library. This project brings prominent BIPOC, artists, leading cultural thinkers, and educators to foster discussions about how art can change the world.
2) Immersive and interactive programming for children. PARJE is developing engaging children’s programming to educate the next generation about racial justice topics. Our recent “Mini Murals initiative is a great success, creating compact portable murals for specific community events.
PARJE members engage with local children and adults to create art, foster discussion, and explore historical topics of local and national importance. These MINI MURALS are modular and as we complete more events, the number of topics grows and will eventually become a much larger celebration like a giant quilt of educational opportunities.
In addition, this program offers individual coloring book pages. Visiting children are encouraged to take home these personalized artworks that include historical biographies and educational information on the back.
Want more videos on advocacy? Try this free course from the University of Boulder CO, an 11 hr Master Class on anti-racist training divided into short digestible classes.
Below is a selection of articles about contemporary artists creating work around Racial Justice.