Art, Tech + Advocacy Series: Kit Son Lee

Artist Quicktalk with Kit Son Lee
Thursday, March 24

Kit Son Lee (sometimes Son Kit) is a co-founder of Codify Art, a Brooklyn-based producorial collective dedicated to supporting work by queer and trans artists of color, and an editor at Queer Aesthetics, an interdisciplinary open-access journal pursuing equitable representation in the arts.

Kit is a designer, developer, and artist based in Brooklyn, NY by way of Providence, RI and Koreatown, Los Angeles. Kit’s work investigates, exaggerates, and narrativizes the methods of network surveillance, the attention economy, machine learning, and UX/ UI design to confront them on the field of analogy.

This program is produced in collaboration with Public Art for Racial Justice (PARJE) , the New Media Caucus, and the Ammerman Center for Art and Technology @ Connecticut College. 

Special thanks to CT Humanities, Cultural Coalition South Eastern Connecticut and the Community Foundation of Eastern Connecticut.


Murals and Monuments